Messi and Ronaldo Wallpaper
Messi and Ronaldo Wallpaper with the keywords Argentina, Barcelona, Football, Manchester United, Messi.
Messi and Ronaldo Wallpaper

Wallpaper Information
Image Size: 156 KB
Image Name: messi-and-ronaldo-wallpaper-ixpaper.jpg
Device: Android - iOS - Windows - Linux - macOS
Total 81 Views.
Upload Date: April 2022
Dimensions: 1080 x 1920 px
Phones: Samsung - iPhone - LG Motorola - HTC - Lenovo - Google Pixel - Huawei - Xiaomi - Nokia - Sony
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Messi–Ronaldo Rivalry
The Messi–Ronaldo rivalry is a sporting rivalry in football encouraged by the media and fans that involves footballers Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, mainly for being contemporaries and for their similar records and sporting success.